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Something very significant has taken place in the life insurance industry.
This development was so significant, a whole new way to assess the financial strength of life insurance companies was needed.

The change was significant indeed. And its implications may be felt for many years. What was this change? it was the entry of private equity (PE) companies into the traditionally staid, conservative business of life insurance.
PE firms are rapidly changing the life insurance business. I believe their investments in purchasing life insurers is a dangerous trend that may cause heartache and uncertainty for some policy owners.
The problem is that with the PE companies came new types of aggressive financial engineering designed to reduce the surplus insurers maintain. Surplus is a critically important protection for policy owners. It is the money insurers maintain to guard against claims that exceed expectations. When an insurer's capital and surplus declines, the risk to policyowners increases dramatically.
I rely upon the TSR Ration to assess the financial strength of life insurance companies. The TSR Ratio reveals that some PE owned insurance companies have allowed their capital to decline to dangerously low levels. These companies now have less margin for error. should their investments not perform. If the economy doesn't cooperate. PE owned insurers could be in a very tenuous position, leaving policy owners in a risky status. This is why I only work with companies that have excellent TSR Ratios with exceptional levels of surplus.

Do you currently own an annuity? Are you curious about its financial strength? I will prepare an analysis and explain its TSR Ratio. Find out. There is no cost or obligation.
Call me at 719-239-1786.
Joe Begalle
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